Patocka, Frank
Jacksonville, Pennsylvania, November 20, 1888
Date of Death:
November 7, 1918
Hero Bio:
Frank Patocka came to the west from Jacksonville, Pennsylvania, where he was born on the 20th of November, 1888. He lived in Goldfield and Tonopah and was well known in both cities, but at the time of his entrance into the Service (April 26, 1918) he was residing permanently in Goldfield, and was one of the Esmeralda boys who went to Camp Lewis. After about three months at the American Lake Camp, he went east to Camp Merritt, New Jersey, with Company C. 364th Infantry, and from there over-seas and through England to France. He served with his Division (the 91st) in the Argonne, after which they were withdrawn from the line and sent north into Belgium. On October 30th, 1918, the 37th and 91st American Divisions attacked on the line of their new positions. The 91st being south of the 37th, was in a position which would appear on the map at the point of intersection of two lines, one drawn from Brussels to Ypres and the other from Ghent to Lille. In the fight that followed, Frank Patocka was severely wounded (October 31st) and removed to the rear.
A week later (November 7th, 1918) he passed away as a result of his wounds, having fought and died as one of the American liberators on Belgian soil. In his report of this action, General Pershing said: “By November 3d the 91st Division, in a spirited advance, captured Spitaals Bosschen, reached the Scheldt, and entered Audenarde.” Frank was a son of Mrs. Anna Patocka of 10 Popular Street, Chico, California, and a brother of Adolph Patocka of 4033 9th Street of the same place. At the time of leaving Goldfield to enter the army, he was engaged to be married to Miss Theola White of Goldfield, when the war should be over and he could return home. He sleeps in a soldier’s grave on foreign soil but his memory, with that of the other Nevada heroes who fell, will remain fresh as long as history shall endure.
Rank in Death:
Regiment, Brigade, Division in Death
Company C 364th Infantry 91st Division